Be in Pursuit…
By Bro. Larry Harris
We must be in pursuit of patience…
Let patience have its perfect work in us that we may be an acceptable sacrifice unto the LORD!
In the pursuit; meaning chasing of patience, we learn to L.O.V.E. (Live Omnipotently Victoriously Eternally) by GOD’S S.E.E.D. (Sending the Everlasting Eternal divine Deity of the Son of GOD) in the earth realm to bring the culture of heaven …
We learn that patience will keep us in perfect peace by waiting upon the LORD. HE comforts us while we wait and makes all are needs sufficient by HIS instructions and provisions when we hear and read HIS word…
F.A.I.T.H. (Fearless Actions-activated Inside The Heart) comes by hearing and hearing by the word of GOD!
How do we learn to wait; meaning to watch, observe, take notice, stay or rest in expectation, stop or remain stationary till the arrival of some person or event, rest in patience, to stay, not to depart from patience…
We will learn this by letting patience keep us in perfect peace; a peace that passes all understanding!
Patience is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on annoyance or anger in a negative way; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. It is also used to refer to the character trait of being steadfast…
It is still in the choices that we make and choose, just like from the beginning when GOD gave mankind the choice to choose life or death!
Choose you this day, death or life; for the power of death and life is in the tongue and those who eat of it shall eat the fruit thereof. (Proverbs 18:21)
So choose you this day to follow and serve the LORD GOD JESUS the CHRIST, the anointed one with burden removing, yoke destroying power on flesh!
Learn; meaning to gain knowledge or information of; to ascertain by inquiry, study, or investigation; to receive instruction concerning; to fix in the mind; to acquire understanding of, or skill by letting J.O.Y. (JESUS Overtake You) from the inside out allowing the mind of CHRIST that is within you consume your every thought bringing them into captivity and subjection to the mind of CHRIST…
The mind of CHRIST is the will and word of GOD made perfect in you by the G.RA.C.E. (Gifts and giftedness Received At CHRIST’S Expense) paid for at the cross!
It is in and through the G.R.A.C.E. that is in HIS blood that is smeared on us from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet we receive the F.A.V.O.U.R. (F.a.i.t.h. Achieving Victoriously Omnipotently Ultimate Restoration) recharging, ever increasing, never ceasing that has been en-grafted into our bodies HIS divine "DNA" (Destiny Now Achieved) that also rests upon us that follows you and me all the days of our life throughout eternity…
While we are waiting we will serve and worship you the living GOD with a sacrifice of praise in our hearts and on our lips!
The HOLY SPIRIT, JEHOVAH ALMIGHTY knows all things and will teach you and I all things that is on point with our perfect purpose and predetermined, appointed destiny HE has designed for us...
As long as we stay passionate for GOD and stay in expectation to receive HIS promised results for what HE, the living GOD has promised!
We are kingdom carriers of the blessing, bringing the culture of heaven to earth, being containers of HIS power, willing vessels of HIS truth, wisdom, knowledge and being G.I.F.T.S (GOD'S Infinite-wisdom, knowledge, integrity powered by the creator of the universe Forever Triumphing saved and Sanctified) sent into HIS kingdom to be unwrapped, opened, connected, released and tapped into to going somewhere to happen to colonize the earth as a territory for the Kingdom of heaven...
So we must be in pursuit of the patience that gives us the peace that passes all understanding in the hope of glory that is within us through CHRIST!
Stay in and be always in the pursuit of all things that glorify the LORD in your life...
For you to die is CHRIST to gain!
You are blessed in the name of JESUS, and I speak blessing into your life, and according to your F.A.I.T.H. so shall it be manifested unto you...
Loving you all in and by L.O.V.E. with CHRIST being the threefold cord that binds us all together as joint heirs with HIM in HIS family adopting, adapting and appointing us into a royal priesthood, a holy nation and a peculiar people making you and me citizens and ambassadors of HIS kingdom!
Peace be unto you...
Apostle Larry Harris
A citizen and ambassador of the Kingdom of Heaven
Joint heirs with the King of Kings and a manifested son of GOD
Manifested Sons of GOD International F.A.I.T.H. Ministries
- a nonprofit 501(c)(3) -
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